Free Gooseberry Knitting Stitch.
sl2 – slip 2 stitches
p3tog – purl 3 stitches together
p2sso – pass 2 slipped stitches over
wyif – with yarn in front
Cast on uneven number of stitches
Row 1 (RS) Knit
Row 2 K1, *(p1, yo, p1, yo, p1) in next st, k1; repeat from * to end.
Row 3 Purl
Row 4 K1, *sl2 wyif, p3tog, p2sso, k1; repeat from * to end.
Row 5 Knit
Row 6 k2, *(p1, yo, p1, yo, p1) in next st, k1; repeat from * to last st, k1.
Row 7 Purl
Row 8 K2, *sl2 wyif, p3tog, p2sso, k1; repeat from * to last st, k1.
These 8 rows form the Gooseberry Stitch Pattern