Free Knitting Stitch for textured Crossed Cables

Free Knitting Stitch for textured Crossed Cables.

Free Knitting Stitch for textured Crossed Cables


C4F: Slip 2 stitches to CN in front of work, k2 from LH needle, k2 from CN

C4B: Slip 2 stitches to CN in back of work, k2 from LH needle, k2 from CN

Cable knitting stitch chart

4 thoughts on “Free Knitting Stitch for textured Crossed Cables”

  1. Hello from Argentina. Great site. Just need a pictures of both sides of the knitting. Some stiches are reversible and some “look good” on both sides and some don’t.
    Thank you. Best wishes.

    1. Or you could just quickly knit a swatch and you’d see what the reverse looks like. I think that half the fun of knitting is exploring and doing new things.

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